Friday, October 22, 2010

The Science and Psychology of Lying - Psychological Book Review

By Lance Winslow
All humans lie, in fact they are probably one of the most deceptive species on the entire planet, and with their rather large brain humans are able to lie about just about anything. We know when our politicians are lying to us, what's that old joke; "when their lips are moving." But did you know that your parents lie, your teachers lie, your boss lies, your spouse lies, and everywhere you go half of what you hear is not entirely correct.

Some believe this is a moral choice, and it varies from culture to culture, but for the most part it permeates every human endeavor in every culture. If you'd like to learn more about the psychology of lying, and how to spot a liar, not that it's that hard, then I have a really good research book that like to recommend to you. It's helped me significantly in business, and allowed me to forgive all the Liars I run across. The book is called;

"Lying; Moral Choice in Public and Private Life," by Sissela Bok, 1978.

The research writer asks the question; what is the whole truth? And what's the difference between a Liars perception and the perspective of the deceived; these are both different points of view. There are a couple of very good chapters on this topic, and the author does not lie in explaining it. She also goes into great detail on religious lies, and when you must lie based on your job or duty. These are all dilemmas that the book discusses.

She also talks about white lies and the justification of such, along with mutual deceit, and even the ethics of lying to Liars. How about giving the enemy their due, and deception in warfare, competition, etc, indeed, she discusses what she calls the noble lie, along with the lies or compliments which are not deserved. I think you will very much enjoy the book, and if you are psychologists I recommend it to you, because it might help you to stop lying to yourself. Please consider all this.


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